In the media

On National TV

Nina Barnett on what British Medical Journal research on sleeping pills means for patients 


The following videos illustrate a variety of pharmacy medication reviews, courtesy of the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE)

Nina Barnett talks to Barry Jubraj about shared decision making

 Nina Barnett introduces the concept of person-centred
deprescribing in palliative care, using the structure below

Barnett NL, Oboh L, Smith K. Patient-centred management of polypharmacy: a process for practice. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2016 Mar 1;23(2):113-7.

Nina Barnett begins a medication review with patient and carer

Brief introduction to medication review, adherence, polypharmacy & deprescribing

Nina Barnett on supporting a person-centred discharge medication review

Nina Barnett on developing patient empowerment within medication review

Nina Barnett on promoting medication review to optimise medicines adherence

Nina Barnett on identifying medication review in reducing problematic polypharmacy 


Pharmacy’s mental health crisis:

building back better post-pandemic
Podcast: Nina Barnett and Barry Jubraj on “A themed journal issue on deprescribing European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2017;24:1-2.

Martyn Lewis on Agenda Radio show for AgeUK
Making the most of your consultation
What is Polypharmacy?